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About Me
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Photo credit: Mewborne Photography

Hey, y'all!


My name is Taylor, and this is my little corner of the universe. I am a San Antonio native and stay-at-home mom to two daughters: 11-year-old Harper and three-year-old Hayes. With two daughters and an often traveling husband, there is never a shortage of drama in my house, but I am enjoying learning about motherhood, parenting, and myself as I navigate it, often with the help of Pinot Grigio.


I am the former editor of and a former contributing writer for Alamo City Moms and recently launched The Mommalogue as a safe space to offer tips and parenting perspectives based on my own motherhood experience. I was a member of the inaugural San Antonio cast of Listen to Your Mother in 2016 and am delighted to join the show again as a member of the 2020 cast. I also serve as a freelance editor and, as such, care way too deeply about the use of Oxford commas.


When I'm not worrying about whether I can correctly check my fifth-grader's math homework without consulting Alexa, I enjoy binge-watching crime documentaries, embarrassing my tween with my love of '90s rap, and dreaming of all the places I'd travel if money grew on trees.

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